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Interactive installation,  dimension variable, 2010

exhibited at Yiyun Kang's solo exhibition at Art Space Mite

When the audiences enter into the space, they see the dark space filled with floating objects. As they come closer to those installtions, these objects start to dim in and out at the speed of breath. “Warmth” is an interactive lights installation that responds to audiences’ approach. Shape of those lights could be seen sharp, yet the material which is tranlucent paper makes those lights really soft and subtle. 
Thus, they could be seen as living organisms even though they are controlled by
sensorsandmirco-controllers. The whole handicrafting procedure that needs a lot of time functions as a process of therapy to the artist.



Interactive installation, dimension variable, 2011


Interactive installation,  dimension variable, 2010

exhibited at Yiyun Kang's solo exhibition at Art Space Mite

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